Saturday, January 14, 2012

Tehran Highway

Battlefield 3 Tehran Highway, is, as the name suggests, based around the Iranian capitol of Tehran, where US and Russian forces in Battlefield 3 battle on a map in the style of Road to Jalalabad and Strike At Karkand. Players start the round in the hills above the city, and gradually work their way in. Tehran Highway is the only nighttime map in Battlefield 3.

Tehran Highway layout

Unlike most other Conquest 64 maps, Tehran Highway has only 4 capture points, which are divided by a highway. This layout usually results in a stalemate with both sides each controlling two flags, with heavy exchange of gunfire and battles across the highway.

Tehran Highway tips

Capturing and holding more than two flags is key to victory, as all other conquest maps. The best way is a head-on assault with vehicles on one of the control points across the highway. Because of its dark setting and plenty of buildings and elevated positions, Tehran Highway is a great place for snipers, who can position themselves above the battle to spot and take out enemies.


Being a mostly urban map, Tehran Highway has a modest amount of vehicles per side. In addition to the starting vehicles, each capture point offers 1 transport vehicle once the flag has been captured.

US vehicles

Russian vehicles

Survey the Terrain

This is a typical urban environment. The highway with the overpass is the dominating feature on this map. To the west is an industrial complex with office trailers and small buildings. The east side is residential with a spattering of garages and dead end alleys. The highway divides the map into two parts and is littered with destroyed vehicles. The highway is crossed with walk bridges and is lower than the sides of the map.

Flag Alpha: Back Yard

This flag is the closest to the Marine spawn at the bottom of the hill on the east side. The flag itself sits in a courtyard in between a three story building, two garages and a smaller road to the east. Whoever captures this flag has a light vehicle spawn here. This flag is out in the open but has a large capture radius, so it can be captured in hiding places to avoid snipers from the west side of the map. Access to the main road is by a set of stairs to the west.

Flag Bravo: Truck

This flag is in the middle of the map on the highway itself. A burning truck, a jack-knifed flat-bed trailer and spilled cargo are the only means of cover next to the flag. As its on the highway, this flag is lower than the sides of the map and it puts defenders in an bad position. This flag is routinely populated with vehicles coming from north and south, while infantry approach from the east and west. This flag produces a light vehicle.

Flag Charlie:Gas Station

This flag is the closest to the Russian spawn. on the west side. The flag capture radius puts attackers directly in harms way as the pumps and fuel tanks can be destroyed. This flag produces a light vehicle for the army that captures it. The flag sits next to the far-west road and is the only way that attacking vehicles can get to the flag. The infantry can assault the area by using the eastern steps when coming from Bravo. This flag gives access to both walk bridges within walking distance.

Take Inventory

The Marines deploy with a LAV-25 and an M1 Abrams MBT.
The Russians deploy with a BMP-2M and a T-90 MBT.
*Although I don't dictate what equipment each soldier takes to the battlefield, this is an exception. It would be wise for each squad and tankers to have access to Infrared Scopes and sights. The map is dark and potential ambushers have an advantage here. Equiping these scopes takes away that advantage


Heed the words of Sun Tzu: Do not climb heights in order to fight. Just like Grand Bazaar, objective Bravo is in the middle of the map. Just like Grand Bazaar, its in a very undesirable position and holds no strategic value. Only a light vehicle spawns here and it sits in essentially a kill zone. An experienced player will tell you that attacking high ground is very foolish and leads to lots of death. So why subject yourself to that?

Once deployed, let the ground forces move forward and take the closest objective (Alpha or Charlie). Once that flag is secured, set up a defensive perimeter and face Bravo. The vehicles should back up the ground forces at Alpha/Charlie until you see Bravo being captured.

Once Bravo is captured, the ground forces should feint an attack on Bravo from the high ground, using available cover to shoot down. There's a high probability that the enemy will bring their vehicles to Bravo to defend against the attack. Don't worry, you hold the high ground and tanks are big targets. Not all of the ground forces should be in the front, some need to defend the road behind the flag in case of a flanking attack.

During the feint attack, the vehicles should move along the map-edge roads and capture the other sides spawn flag. More than likely, it will be poorly defended as the team will bring up any defenders to fight for Bravo. Once that flag is taken, the vehicle force should engage Bravo from their rear. Bravo is now surrounded on both sides in the lowest part of the map; a meat grinder.

Against a team of uncoordinated randoms, 85% of the time they will defend Bravo to the death, foolishly. Against an organized team, they may very well just spawn in their deployment zone, which still works in your favor since your vehicles are already in a forward position. Bring up Engineers and pin them in their spawn and watch the tickets bleed.

You can capture Bravo to speed up ticket bleed, but don't put up a valiant defense for it ; just enough for the enemy to think you are trying to hold it. Once enemy vehicles are brought up, abandon it and seek the high ground. If one of the high-ground flags falls, regroup and do it all over again. This time they may be prepared for it, so try a different way. Just keep in mind that the primary objectives are the perimeter flags, not the center. The only advantage that Bravo has is the overpass prevent mortars from hitting defenders.

Tips for this map

As said before, use IR sights. The dark plays tricks with your eyes.

Set up SOFLAMS so they look down the highway. This will spot enemies and vehicles that enter the highway, as well as laser-designate the tanks. Good places are on the grass along the highway to the north (Marines) or on the southernmost walkway over the highway (Russian)

Mine the east and west roads to protect against a blitzing fast vehicle. Mines are now easily spotted but on this map, the dark works in your favor.

Snipers in the Marine base can see right into the Bravo area. Russian snipers on the walkway near their spawn can see the same area.

Engineers and support soldiers with Bi-pods along the high perimeter overlooking the road can defend Bravo effectively if holding that flag is somehow needed (eg, end of match and need to bleed a few tickets more to win).

A good place to plant C4 is on the sparse cover around Bravo. The enemy WILL run to these places during an attack.

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