Saturday, January 14, 2012

Caspian Border

Caspian Border was the second Battlefield 3 multiplayer map to be revealed. It’s a large, open map centered around a border area. The Russian and US forces each start out from their main bases and advance towards the five capture points spread across the map.

Caspian Border unique features

Caspian Border is a large, open map with a lot of room for vehicle combat — and the map features both Jets, Helicopters, Tanks and APCs. The capture points are relatively close together, meaning there will be some tight and tense combat for both infantry and vehicles.

Survey the Terrain

The map is an extremely open, woodland terrain. A two lane road runs the length from north to south generally. The flags are situated in the middle of the map with open terrain between the flags and the spawn zones. The Alpha Flag sits on a checkpoint in the road and is cluttered with wrecked cars, cargo containers and buildings. The Bravo Flag sits in a dense forest that makes vehicles a liability. The Charlie Flag sits on a hilltop that gives a great vantage point on Alpha and Bravo Flags and can see the road that approached the Delta Flag. Delta sits in a Gas Station complex with garages across the street.

Take Inventory

Both sides starts with several vehicles. Each side spawns with 2 light buggies, 2 MBT's, 1 attack helicopter, 2 jet fighters, 1 AA station in the spawn base and 2 stationary rocket launchers.


I call this strategy "Operation Hamburger Hill." The reason is that the priority flag is Charlie, Hilltop. it should be clear why its the main objective:
1) It is the high ground
2) Its position in the middle allows for quick deployment to other flags being taken, and
3) Once held, the defenders have a significant advantage over enemy vehicles trying to take it back.

The priority list is the same for for both sides with the exception of Alpha/Delta, as these are the closest to that sides spawn.

Once deployed, two squads of infantry need to take the fast buggies and move directly to Charlie and Bravo for capture. Charlie is held for the above reasons. Bravo in the forest is 10 times more exposed than Charlie is, but the infantry still has the advantage over any vehicles entering to recapture. Bravo is in a forest that hampers a vehicles best asset; maneuverability. The path is small, the trees provide camouflage and has multiple entry/exit points for infantry with two entry/exit points for vehicles. Bravo is the perfect flag to execute ambushes and bushwhacking tactics. Both of these squads should be kitted out heavily in anti-vehicle equipment.

Meanwhile, the MBT's should press forward and capture Alpha/Delta (depending on whose side your one). Once theclosest flag to your spawn is taken, the tanks main role will change to tank-hunting, followed by supporting the infantry. The jets objective is air supremacy, i.e. engage the other jets and knock them out of the sky. The attack helicopter is Charlie and Bravo's close air support first, tank hunting second. Once these 3 flags are captured, the infantry should hold their position and the vehicles do their role.

The squad holding Charlie should heavily mine the only road that tanks can advance on. Although the enemy might see them, their means to destroy them removes the initiative from their hands into yours. Set up a defense along the crest of the hill so the enemy drives into the center of the kill zone and fire rockets, blow C4, etc till tank is dead. Setting up in a perimeter forces the tank gunner to constantly move the turret between targets. Enemy infantry that attempt to take the hill have to fight an uphill battle and usually fail (hence the name, Hamburger Hill). Keep Charlie at all costs and use the attack heli to drive the enemy off the hill.

Bravo should be defended in roughly the same way, only slightly more difficult against infantry. Vehicles moving into Bravo have only one clear way of doing it and that way should be mined heavily. Once the mines are in place, the squad should use the trees as cover and concealment. Set up a defensive perimeter and use guerrilla tactics to keep the enemy out. A good tactic is to let the tank capture it, then capture it back when it drives away. This can drive tankers nuts. If the Bravo Squad dies, respawn at Charlie and do it again.

Since Alpha/Delta flags are more easily defended with the tanks, defending these flags fall to them. Their maneuverability and firepower will keep the enemy infantry moving in the center where it provides the most cover for them, but they are exposed to your teams better defensive posture.

Remember, the goal is to bleed them to death from ticket loss. Attacking the enemies closest spawn flag weakens your position at the other flags. Charlie is always a pain to assault, Bravo is a chokepoint that changes hands frequently and Alpha/Delta are best defended with tanks due to their terrain. Jets should focus on other jets and tanks in the open while the attack helicopter should use their manuverabilty to assist with the squads in the center.

This is a map where you can walk away with 5000+ points and only 4 kills at the end of the round. Have fun with it.

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