Saturday, January 14, 2012

Operation Metro

Operation Metro was the first map ever showcased for Battlefield 3, and was the map used in the Alpha and Beta testing of the game. The map is set in Paris, France, where Russian forces have taken control of a portion of the city and the US Marines attack in the Rush mode. The map also supports Conquest, Conquest 64, Squad Rush and Team Deathmatch.

Operation Metro Unique features

The map is divided into three main sections: An outside area centered around a park, a large, underground metro area, and another open, Urban environment. The map offers a lot of tense combat and tight sections, particularly in the Subway section.

Survey The Terrain

The subway section is very long and linear with open sightlines. The station itself has a little more room to manuver but otherwise its still a straight shot. The Russian spawn is outside the station but its still a linear map.

Take Inventory

This an all-infantry map. As such, whatever equipment you unlocked helps a great deal.
*Certain equipment is useless here, so make sure to change them. The Javelin, Stingers and Mortars are ineffective. RPG's, however, are great on this map to deal with campers.


First, here are the objectives and the area around them:

Alpha Flag: Cafe

This flag is between the Russian spawn and the subway entrance. It sits between two large buildings whose floors can be accessed. This flag becomes a high traffic area if the Marines hold Bravo, so do not take this flag for granted. Of all the flags, this is one that can be flanked if the enemy gets outside. The station has multiple exit points and the one to the west has a route that allows soldiers to get between the Russian spawn and the flag.

Bravo Flag: Ticket Hall

This flag is in the center of the map. It sits in front of a wall and right behind the northern most escalators. This flag has a large capture radius so be sure to keep that in mind when attacking and defending. The locker room to the west is a popular spot for Bravo Defenders for its multiple entrances and its vantage point on the flag.

Charlie Flag: Platform

This flag is closest to the Marines and sits on a train platform. Like all flags on this map, it has a large capture radius. If Russia holds this flag, they can ambush any Marines coming through the dark tunnels and the train tracks from the north. Whoever holds this flag would be wise to set up at least a defender due its ease of being captured.

The Plan

Once you spawn, start running!! Your primary objective is Bravo and that is it. Keep that in your head: Bravo, Bravo, Bravo! If your playing as Russians, than you have the significant advantage as Bravo is closer to you. But the Marines should not let this deter them, as their approach to Bravo has more options by either the first escalators, the right staircase and the second escalators. Once Bravo is captured by whoever, the front line resembles more like a WW2 Battlefield than a modern one. The area around Bravo is a bottleneck and even someone who has played this map once knows that.


If the Marines hold Bravo, then they need to worry about just two directions: the north towards the turnstiles and the locker room on the right. The locker room is particularly treacherous as if there are too many defenders there, one well thrown grenade can create a huge opening. Other player soldiers can trap you so you can't move. One support with an LMG and one Assault for revives are plenty. The station area is the main attack zone. The force should divide itself to face two sectors on the right and left front. Set up sectors of fire that overlap over the ticket booth in the center. It wouldn't be wise to push forward; losing this flag is not good.

If the Marines can't get to this flag first, then it is an uphill fight to reclaim it but its not impossible. Unlike your defense set up, the Russian need to cover three approaches: the staircase on your right, the escalators that go right to the flag and the set of escalators that go behind the flag. A direct assault on the flag is dumb, but then again not so dumb. What makes Bravo so hard to reclaim is the sheer amount of defenders that will be in the area looking forward. Once Bravo is controlled, all enemy future spawning will be on that flag and no where else. That works in your favor since Alpha will be unguarded.

The best method plays out like this. The Russians will have every available man on the front. Novice players will attack Bravo directly, die, spawn and do it again. This fixes the enemy in place, leaving a good sneaky player to use the second set of escalators to get behind the line and go right for Charlie unheeded. Once Charlie is captured, either you will hold it for the match (good) or the enemy will send soldiers to the rear to get it back (still good). This removes defenders at Bravo, giving your team an opening to overwhelm the defenders and claim it. Just bear in mind that the enemy can do the same thing to you at Alpha.


As said before, the Russians have three avenues to defend against. The back set of escalators are tricky to defend. Its best to leave a support or an assault in the ticket booth to shoot any sneaky ones as they try to roll up your line. If the Marines hold Bravo, getting to those escalators to sneak attack Alpha is harder for your team than the Marines. A player who is disciplined enough not to shoot at any available target should be the one to sneak down to the lower level. Once down there, the rest of the team should spawn on that player to get a presence down there instantly.

Tips for Both Teams

A nasty tactic is to play dead. There will so many bodies around that eventually the teams will ignore bodies on the ground. I have used this tactic with great success. To counter this tactic, use IR scopes to pick off them off.

Smoke is wonderful on this map. Smoke the enemy in their positions and you have shut down their snipers, LMG's and Engineers from aiming accurately. It also masks heat signatures.

Assault class will have to make a tactical choice, 'nade launcher or Med packs. Med packs are vital for babysitters and launcher is preferred for the ones who push the line forward. Think of what role is needed and adjust accordingly.

Don't bother aiming down the sights of an LMG in the tunnels. Its takes too much time and you will probably die anyway.

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