Saturday, January 14, 2012

Operation Firestorm

Operation Firestorm is a large desert map with an oil refinery in the middle. There are 5 objectives, and teams typically start with 300 points.

It is best with 64 players.

Each side spawns with:

  • 1 Attack Helicopter
  • 1 Transport Helicopter
  • 2 Attack jets
  • 2 Tanks
  • 1 Mobile Anti-Air
  • 2 Jeeps

Location C is near a large tower with metal scaffolding that players can climb around on, watch this are for Snipers.
Location E will typically be the first target for RU tanks.
Location D has multiple wire frame buildings. Dangerous for tanks as there is a lot of cover for ATs to hide. Usually the first target for US tanks.
Location A is warehouses.
Location B is warehouses.


Give the transport helicopter to one squad, their goal is to rush C. Make sure you have some AT personal as there will often be a tank cutting over from E. If the Helicopter is still alive when the C squad is dropped head back and grab the players who didn’t get a vehicle. The attack helicopter should be defending the transport chopper.

The jets should focus on prevent their transport chopper from doing the same, then focus on damaging the tanks hitting E and C.

The jeeps should rush B, let the tanks and the second trip from the transport chopper get D and A.

The end goal is to lock down A, B, and D. ‘

Watch for snipers in between the RU spawn and C in the foothills. Also on top of the warehouses and in the oil refinery scaffolding.

Station your anti air in the hills behind D.


Transport helicopter should rush A with a forward squad, make sure you have AT. Have the attack helicopter defend the transport.

Jets should be hitting the enemy helicopters and the tanks attacking D and A.

The end goal is to lock down E, C, B.

Station your anti air in the foothills behind C.

Watch the mountains for snipers, they love it up there. slowly push at A, the goal isn’t to take it but rather to distract them from swinging behind and taking E.

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